Here is our easy guide on kidney transplant in India.

Know the cost, success rate, procedure, and donor information for international patients.

Contact us to find the right kidney transplant program for you.

Cost of Kidney Transplant in India

The cost of kidney transplant in India is USD 13,000, for a compatible blood group donor.

If the blood group of the donor and recipient is different, the cost is USD 24,000, due to extra treatments needed.

Read more in the procedure section.

The cost of kidney transplant in the US is over USD 400,000.[1]National Library of Medicine
Global Perspective on Kidney Transplantation: United States
“’In 2020, the average kidney transplant cost was US$442,500 ”
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Cost Comparison -India and US in USD
Treatment India US
Kidney Transplant $13,000 – $24,000 $4,42,500
*Cost can be subject to cases

According to Statista, over USD 150,000 goes into just surgery and hospitalization in the US.[2]Statista
Average amount charged for a kidney transplant in the U.S. as of 2020, by category
“his statistic shows the average amount charged for sub-procedures that make up a kidney transplant in the U.S. in the year 2020. ”
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Procuring kidney from a donor registry is also an added cost.

This may not be incurred by patients who have a relative acting as a donor.

Here is a snapshot of the cost breakup.

Cost Breakdown for Kidney Transplant in US
Parts of treatment Cost in USD
Hospital transplant surgery $152,300
Procurement $113,900
Post-transplant follow up tests $85,500
Pre- transplant tests $32,700
Medication $31,900
Physician $26,200
Total $442,500

Package Cost and Timelines

Find out what is included and excluded in our package cost ranging from USD 13,000 to 24,000.

Package Deal for Kidney Transplant
Person Number of Days Includes Excludes
Patient 8
  • 10 dialysis sessions
  • All the blood tests and gene tests.
  • All Meals as per treatment plan
  • Medication as per the treatment
  • Consultation from the primary team
  • Stay for patient and donor as per the treatment plan
  • Extra consultation
  • Extra stay for patient & donor
  • Specialized meals apart from treatment plan
  • Other medications
  • Stay for initial test days and follow up days
Donor 3

How Long Does It Take for International Patients To Get Kidney Transplant in India?

It takes 6-8 weeks for international patients to get a kidney transplant in India.

Here is the treatment timeline with cost inclusions and exclusions.

Phase Treatment Patient Duration Donor Duration Cost included or excluded
Total Stay End-to-End 8 Weeks 6 Weeks
Initial Part
  • Pre-work up documentation
  • Blood tests, kidney matching, and gene tests
  • Cardiac check-ups and nephrology tests
3- 4 Weeks 3-4 Weeks Excluded
Main treatment
  • Main Treatment prep
  • Surgery
  • Recovery
8 Days 3 Days Included
Last Part
  • Follow up on kidney acceptance
  • Recovery from infections & side-effects
4 Weeks 2 Weeks Excluded
*Duration is subject to change depending on the patient or donor health

Discover affordable and safe kidney transplant options available now!

Explore the best kidney transplant programs today and take the first step towards a healthier future. Contact us for more information.

Here is how foreigners can get kidney transplant treatment in India.

How International Patients Can Get a Kidney Transplant in India: Complete Procedure

Kidney transplant in India | Patient testimonial

A large number of foreigners are resorting to India to get a kidney transplant. The kidney transplant program in India is the second largest after the US.[3]Indian Journal of Urology
Current trends in kidney transplantation in India
“’India has evolved in the past 45 years and is currently the second largest program in numbers after the USA”
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Once the International patient connects with our medical advisors, they are asked to share all the initial medical reports.

Many times with kidney failure comes several other complications, such as heart disease or anemia.[4]American Kidney Fund
Health problems caused by kidney disease
“When your kidneys do not work as well as they should, you have a higher chance of having other health problems”
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This is why our advisors require all records of the patient, to find them the best hospital in India for a kidney transplant.

Patients are connected to the hospital, where doctors assess the donor’s eligibility.

Who Can be a Donor?

For foreigners in India, only 1st-degree relatives can be kidney donors.

Who are 1st-degree relatives?

  • Mother, father
  • Siblings
  • Spouse
  • Children

2nd-degree relatives cannot donate their kidneys to overseas patients.

Know more about the law in India.

Legalities for Kidney Transplant in India

In India, the Transplantation of Human Organs Act passed in 1994[5]Indian Journal of Transplantation
Legal Aspects of Transplantation in India
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has made rules stringent for international patients to get a kidney in India from a living or deceased source.

International patients need to get their own 1st-degree relative to be a donor.

Before Procedure: Tests to Identify Donor Compatibility

There are multiple tests required to prepare for a kidney transplant.

Here are the tests which determine whether the donor is compatible or not.

Blood test

Each person has a different blood group. Some blood types are compatible with specific other blood types.[6]National Kidney Registry
What Tests Do Kidney Donors Have to Take Before Transplant?
“There are four basic blood types—O, A, B and AB—and the blood types of the donor and recipient must be compatible in order for a transplant to be successful”
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Donor and Recipient Blood Compatibility with Each Other
Donors blood type Recipient blood type
O O, A, B or AB
A A or AB
B B or AB

Previously, incompatible blood tests often led to donor rejection, due to fear of transplant failure.

Now, India’s leading hospitals use advanced treatments such as immunosuppressant therapy that allows incompatible kidney transplants.

These treatments are expensive and increase the overall cost of incompatible kidney transplants.

Kidney crossmatching

The doctor mixes the blood of the donor and recipient, assessing it for antibody reactions.

If the recipient’s antibodies attack the donor’s, compatibility is difficult, making the kidney incompatible.

Tissue typing

Tissue Typing is also called the HLA test. Each individual has a different HLA gene, except for twins.

Doctors conduct this test on the donor and recipient.

The closer the match, the better the chances of the kidney successfully being accepted by the recipient.

Main Procedure: How Is the Surgery Performed?

The kidney transplant surgery can be done in different ways:

  1. Open Surgery: The surgeon operates in a conventional fashion.
  2. Laparoscopic Surgery: The surgeon operates using a laparoscope more effectively.
  3. Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopy: The surgeon operates on the patient remotely assisted by a robot.
90% of kidney transplant operations are done through laparoscopic surgery. In case the patient is younger and more healthy, doctors recommend robotic-assisted laparoscopy.

The Transplant Team

Kidney Transplant requires a multidisciplinary approach with a number of specialists involved.

The treatment requires:

  • Transplant Surgeon: Performs the operation.
  • Nephrologist: Specializes in kidney transplant and manages the entire process.
  • Cardiac team: Monitors the heart before, during and after the surgery.
  • Anesthesiologist: Administers the anesthesia and observes levels throughout the surgery.
  • Support staff.

The treatment would involve other specialists if needed.

After Procedure: Follow-up and Diet

The patient requires follow-up after surgery due to strong immunosuppressants, weakening the immune system.

It is vital for the patient to rest, take prescribed medication, and maintain a nutritious diet for recovery.

What should the patient eat post-Kidney transplant surgery?

With weakened immune systems, a low sodium, vitamin-rich, high-fiber and lean protein diet is crucial.[7]National Kidney Foundation
Diet and Transplantation
“’Limit high-calorie foods such as fatty foods, sweets, pastries, and other foods high in fat or sugar.”
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Patients should minimize sugar, junk, salt intake, and fatty foods in order to maintain weight and prevent cardiac or blood pressure issues.

Success Story of International Patient

Watch how Earl Sorrells, a patient from the US, came to India for a kidney transplant, when all hope was lost in his home country.

Thanks to the smooth facilitation by the advisors and the treatment plan designed by the doctors in India, Mr. Sorrells’ surgery was completed ahead of schedule. He left the country happy and healthy.

Kidney Transplant in India: Americans Share Their Life-Saving Story!

Success Rate of Kidney Transplant in India

Survival Rate of kidney transplant in India is 98.7%.[8]Journal of the Association of the Physicians in India
Demographic Characteristics, Outcome and Complications of Renal Transplantations at a Tertiary Care Center in South India
“The cumulative proportion of patient survival was 98.7%’”
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In a study from the Southern part of India, published in the Journal of Association of Physicians in India, it was seen that patient survival was 98.7% at 3 years and 76.8% at 5 years with a 95% confidence index.

Best Hospital for Kidney Transplant Program in India

  • Best transplant surgeon with over 18 years of experience in neurology, transplant and robotic surgery.
  • One of the best success rates in kidney transplant in the world.
  • Highly equipped with Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery for transplant.
  • Advanced technology such as Lamellar Airflow in the ICU help to minimise post-operative infections.
  • Performed successful kidney transplants in HIV Positive patients
  • Performed successful ABO incompatibility kidney transplants

BLK Max, Delhi

Overview: Kidney Failure and the Need for Transplant

Kidneys filter waste and maintain blood pressure in the human body.

Diseases, like diabetes, obesity or heart conditions can lead to kidney failure.

When kidneys fail, they cannot properly remove waste, leading to serious health issues or even death.

Treating Kidney Failure: Dialysis and Transplant

When kidney function declines to about 80-90%, symptoms like blood in urine, vomiting, and fatigue emerge, signaling the need for immediate treatment.[9]National Kidney Foundation
Choosing A Treatment For Kidney Failure
“’Having kidney failure means that 85-90% of your kidney function is gone”
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Dialysis, which mimics kidney function, is the initial treatment that doctors recommend, which can sustain patients for a long time.

If dialysis does not work and kidney function further deteriorates, kidney transplant becomes an essential consideration.

A 2021 study by NCBI found that dialysis in the US costs over USD 98,000 per person.[10]National Library of Medicine
Dialysis and Total Health Care Costs in the United States and Worldwide: The Financial Impact of a Single-Payer Dominant System in the US
“The predicted annual dialysis cost per patient in the United States is US$98,410’”
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Considering the expense and discomfort, doctors often suggest kidney transplant as the ideal treatment for kidney failure.

Type of Kidney Transplant Donors

Kidneys can come from 2 types of donors:

Deceased donor

A deceased donor is a donor who would have died of brain or cardiac arrest (preferably) and whose organ is used for the recipient.

Living donor

A living donor is a living person who can donate an organ. This is usually a relative.

What Are Risks Associated With Kidney Transplant?

Be aware of the risks associated with kidney transplant:

  • Infections: Studies show 10-20% patients require antibiotics within the first week of a transplant. The patient is put on immunosuppressants which weakens the body and expose it to the risk of infections.[11]NHS Blood and Transplant
    Early risks of a kidney transplant
    “Between 10 to 20 in every 100 patients need extra antibiotics for an infection within the first week of kidney transplant surgery.”
    View in Article
  • Rejection: Possible due to blood clots or early kidney disease recurrence.
  • Cardiac issues: Risk of heart attack due to blood supply blockage.
  • Delayed graft function: A new kidney may take time to function properly, especially from deceased donors.

Is Kidney Transplant in India Safe?

Yes, kidney transplant can be safe in India as per studies, with proper preparation, recipient screening before surgery and multi-disciplinary inputs.[12]Transplantation
Outline Images Download Cite Share Favorites Permissions ORIGINAL CLINICAL SCIENCE—GENERAL Is it Safe to Be Transplanted From Living Donors Who Recovered From COVID-19? Experience of 31 Kidney Transplants in a Multicenter Cohort Study From India
“Outline Images Download Cite Share Favorites Permissions ORIGINAL CLINICAL SCIENCE—GENERAL Is it Safe to Be Transplanted From Living Donors Who Recovered From COVID-19? Experience of 31 Kidney Transplants in a Multicenter Cohort Study From India”
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Can a US citizen get a kidney transplant in India?

Yes, US citizens can get a Kidney transplant in India. Reach our medical advisors for all information, through the Contact Us button on the page.

Which is the best state in India for kidney transplant?

Visit New Delhi, the capital of India to find the best hospital, BLK Max Super Speciality for a Kidney Transplant Program.


Get a cost-friendly kidney transplant in India today.

Say goodbye to kidney problems! Discover success rate, procedure, and donor details.

We connect you to the best hospital and certified surgeons. Act now for a healthier tomorrow!

Feel free to contact us for more details.


  1. NCBI: Global Perspective on Kidney Transplantation: US
  2. Statista: Avg. Amount Charged for a Kidney Transplant in the U.S
  3. Indian Journal of Urology: Current trends in kidney transplantation in India
  4. American Kidney Fund: Health problems caused by kidney disease
  5. IJT: Legal Aspects of Transplantation in India
  6. NKR: What Tests Do Kidney Donors Have to Take Before Transplant?
  7. National Kidney Foundation: Diet and Transplantation
  8. ResearchGate: Outcome & Complications of Renal Transplantations at a Tertiary Care Center in South India
  9. National Kidney Foundation: Choosing A Treatment For Kidney Failure
  10. NCBI: Dialysis & Total Health Care Costs in the US & Worldwide
  11. NHS Blood and Transplant: Early risks of a kidney transplant
  12. Transplantation: Is it Safe to Be Transplanted From Living Donors Who Recovered From COVID-19? Experience of 31 Kidney Transplants in a Multicenter Cohort Study From India